Computational Models in Biomechanics


Authors: E. B. de Las Casas, D. C. Pamplona
ISBN: 84-95999-25-0
Editorial: CIMNE
Year of publication: 2003
Pages: 235
Index: - Bone loading and adaptation around oral implants - A finite element approach for contracting skeletal muscle - The mechanics of frontal facial aging - Modeling in numerical dental biomechanics-an overview - Mechanobiology in gestation and growth of bone - Numerical simulations in dental mechanics and orthodontics-some examples pf application - Mechanical models in hearing

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Authors: E. B. de Las Casas, D. C. Pamplona
ISBN: 84-95999-25-0
Editorial: CIMNE
Year of publication: 2003
Pages: 235
Index: - Bone loading and adaptation around oral implants - A finite element approach for contracting skeletal muscle - The mechanics of frontal facial aging - Modeling in numerical dental biomechanics-an overview - Mechanobiology in gestation and growth of bone - Numerical simulations in dental mechanics and orthodontics-some examples pf application - Mechanical models in hearing