In the field of computational fluid dynamics, the analysis on two immiscible (non-mixing) fluids is vastly complex compared to that of a single infinite fluid. The coupling between incompressible flow equations and the free surface condition causes many problems. The analysis of the interaction between two different fluids is of interest to various areas of engineering such as Marine hull design, injection moulding and combustion. A great deal of effort has been put into developing methods to tackle this problem. Especially at CIMNE the International Centre of Numerical Methods Engineering in Barcelona, where researchers are using Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches to develop their methods. A newly developed method of capturing the free surface known as the Overlapping Domain. Decomposition Level Set Method (ODDLS) will be the focus of this project. Implemented using Tdyn from COMPASS Ingenieria y Sistemas, the computations and analysis will serve to validate the ODDLS method. A Pre/Post Processor developed in-house at CIMNE called GiD v8.0 will be used to prepare and analyse data for the computations.
Analysis of ship hydrodynamics. Using the overlapping domain decomposition level set mehod