Structural and Soil Mechanics
Earthquake Engineering
Simulación Numérica del Comportamiento no Lineal de Presas de Hormigón ante Acciones Sísmicas
Structural and Soil Mechanics
Structural and Soil Mechanics
Simulation of the construction process of roller compacted concrete dams
Structural and Soil Mechanics
Simulaton of temperature and stress during and after RCC DAMS construction constitutive
Structural and Soil Mechanics
Structural and Soil Mechanics
SLAP: Programa para Modelado Numérico de Procesos de Estereolitografía Utilizando el Método de los E
Numerical Methods
Structural and Soil Mechanics
Strain localization and failure mechanics for elastoplastic damage solids
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
The Intrinsic Time for SUPG Formulation Using Quadratic Elements