Advanced Design of Concrete Structures


Authors: K. Gylltoft, B. Engström, L. O. Nilsson, N. E. Wiberg, P. Ahman
ISBN: 84-87867-94-4
Editorial: CIMNE
Year of publication: 1997
Pages: 334
Index: The book include keynote papers and more than 40 contributions on various aspects of advanced design of concrete structrures.

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Authors: K. Gylltoft, B. Engström, L. O. Nilsson, N. E. Wiberg, P. Ahman
ISBN: 84-87867-94-4
Editorial: CIMNE
Year of publication: 1997
Pages: 334
Index: The book include keynote papers and more than 40 contributions on various aspects of advanced design of concrete structrures.